Liene Pierhuroviča
Born 27 December 1986
2012 up to now - University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, doctoral studies
2007 – 2009 - University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, Professional Master’s Degree in Law, Lawyer’s Qualification
2008 – 2009 - Helsinki España NGO organised EURO-AMERICAN university networks project “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 60”, Valencia, Spain/ New York, USA
2009 – studies in the ERASMUS exchange programme in the Netherlands, the University of Utrecht, The Faculty of Law, Economics and Management (Universiteit Utrecht, Faculteit Recht, Economie, Bestuur en Organisatie)
2008 – participation in the European Law Moot Court Competition 2008 in the team of the University of Latvia in Bangor, Wales, Great Britain
2004 - 2007 - University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, Social Science Bachelor’s Degree in Law Science
2007 – participation in the Central and Eastern European Moot Court Competition 2007 in the team of the University of Latvia in Budapest, Hungary
2010 – up to now – the Law Firm of the Sworn Advocate Andris Grūtups, lawyer
2006 – 2010 – the Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia, the Legal Counsel of the European and Legal Affairs Department
The Right to Housing: International, European and National Perspectives (together with the docent of the University of Latvia Artūrs Kučs and Zane Sedlova), Cuadernos Constitucionales de la Cátedra Fadrique Furió Ceriol, nº 64/65, pp. 101-123.
The Legal Activism of the European Court of Justice Practice in the Field of Labour Law, Jurista Vārds, 9 November 2010, No. 45 (640).
The Legal Activism of the European Court of Justice, Jurista Vārds, 27 July 2010, No. 30 (625).
Universities seeking ways to combat poverty (together with Z.Sedlova), Jurista Vārds, 5 January 2010, No.1 (596).
Whether the court of general jurisdiction is entitled to adjudge the legality of the municipal decision (Vai vispārējās jurisdikcijas tiesa var lemt par pašvaldības lēmuma tiesiskumu). Jurista Vārds, 26 May 2009, No. 21 (574).
Whether all people are born free and equal in their dignity and rights (Vai visi cilvēki piedzimst brīvi un vienlīdzīgi savā cieņā un tiesībās) (together with Z.Sedlova). Jurista Vārds, 20 January 2009, No. 3 (556).
English, Russian, French (basic knowledge) and German (basic knowledge)
The main award in the international law section of the magazine Jurista Vārds in the competition of the students’ research works of 2009 regarding the master’s thesis The Legal Activism of the European Court of Justice in the Field of Labour Law.